Thursday 4 October 2012

The Importance of Staying Positive During Times of Adversity

Are you having a hard time staying positive?  Is the autumn madness getting the better of you and your moods?
Right now I am hearing a lot of clients and friends struggling with various parts of their lives- fighting with close friends, divorce and break-ups, overwhelming work stress and, for some, the death of someone close. These are all emotional big hitters!
During these times of high stress it is imperative to stay as positive as possible in even the most disturbing situations. One of my best friends and THE most positive person I know, Christina Tracy Stein, MFT wrote an incredibly motivating and empowering book with her world renowned goal setting expert father,Brian Tracy, called Kiss That Frog! 12 Great Ways to Turn Negatives into Positives in Your Life and Work.  Their book has very simple and effective tools for all ages to spin a situation from not ideal to ideal.  One of the major points of Kiss That Frog! is embracing the fact that staying positive is a choice requiring constant focus and dedication to arrive to and stay in a state of happiness.
Below is an excerpt explaining the two mechanisms in your brain relating to positive and negative thinking...

" have both a success mechanism and a failure mechanism in your brain.  The success mechanism is activated when you think positive, loving, forgiving thoughts about yourself and other people and focus on your goals.  These positive thoughts require conscious, continuous, deliberate effort on your part.  They do not happen by accident but by choice.
Your failure mechanism, unfortunately, works automatically when you stop thinking about what you want.  This means that if you do not deliberately choose to think thoughts that make you happy, your mind defaults to negative thoughts that make you unhappy.
Fortunately, by the Law of Habit, if you discipline yourself to keep your mind on positive thoughts, this eventually becomes an automatic way of thinking.  When positive thinking becomes a habit, you begin to feel optimistic about yourself and your life."

Begin now...only think positive, inspiring and loving thoughts.  When your mind strays pull it back to your happy thoughts. For more tricks to positive thinking you can find Kiss That Frog! on Amazon and Kindle.

Cheers to positivity!

1 comment:

  1. Me and a friend were just talking about this today! Positivity attracts positivity! and vice versa! ;)
